Ancient Title Tutorial extended from
Justin Taylor on
For this assignment we were to learn some new effects in After Effects. I went to Video Copilot and found a very interesting tutorial on how to make an Ancient Title effect. So I watched and learned how to make this effect. I had to learn various effects such as the Particle World effect, the tint effect, mesh warp, the fractal noise, linear wipe and the radial blur effect. All were very useful. I also used the 3D option and learned the uses of the t-matte modes and the different modes for the layers.
Tutorial Link:
Ancient Title Effects Tutorial:
- · Create new comp
- ·
Import 2 different images of textures.
- ·
Bring first texture into comp and scale it
evenly to comp.
- ·
Toggle Transfer Modes
- ·
Create text layer, put anything
- ·
Then pre-compose text layer
- ·
Select texture image – go to effect-color
- ·
Take most the contrast out
- ·
Go to Layer-new-adjustment layer, then add
curves adjustment.
- ·
Make darker.
- ·
Select ellipse tool, double click it, set mask
to subtract.
- ·
Turn feather up as desired.
- ·
Create new solid layer, name it particle waves.
- ·
Effect-simulation-particle world-turn grid off.
- -Physics –
velocity 0, gravity 0, -particle – faded sphere, -producer – radius xyz turn up
to spread around. –birth size – up to haze, as well as birth death. Gravity –
0.220, longevity – 2, size variation – 33%.
- ·
Drag mesh warp to particle waves layer. 3 rows,
3 columns.
- ·
Make mesh move inward or outward to make unusual
- ·
Change transfer mode to screen.
- ·
Layer-new-solid, name small particle and change
tag color.
- ·
Repeat making the Particle World effect as
above, but make them smaller, and increase birth rate to about 10.
- ·
Layer-new-solid, name it light, then go to
effect-noise and grain-fractal noise.
- Transform-
uncheck uniform scaling. –scale height to about 3300. –contrast up and
brightness down.
- ·
Effect-transition-linear wipe, transition
completion 23%, -wipe angle 0, and feather as much as needed.
- ·
Now set “light” layer to screen mode, then set
the layer to 3D.
- ·
Use Z-axis and rotate tool to bring light
- ·
Then ALT Click on the Evolution watch, type –
time*100 to add movement.
- ·
Now duplicate “light” layer and name lightB, on
the top one put “+500” in the evolution after “time*100”
- ·
Make title and texture layers 3D.
- ·
Layer-new-camera, hit “P” and hit stopwatch,
then move forward in the timeline and move camera position closer.
- ·
Now highlight both light layers and pre-compose
them, name it Light Comp.
- ·
Duplicate “light comp” and toggle switches to
show the track matte options.
- ·
Select the small particles layer and set the
track matte to luma matte “light comp”
- ·
Select the light comp above the layer and add
curves, bring the curves up to see the particles more.
- ·
Make other light comp opacity to 70%.
- Duplicate title layer, name it title shadow
- ·
Select title, layer-layer styles- bevel and
emboss, -depth 300%, -size 1, -altitude 56%, -angle about 93%, layer styles-
drop shadow, -distance 0, -size 14, -opacity 40%.
- ·
Select title shadow layer, effect-blur-radial
blur. Change type to straight zoom.
- ·
Effect-generate-fill, any color, then go to
radial blur and move center all the way above the comp, bring the amount to 7,
quality 50.
- Now drag second texture image to comp, switch
mode to overlay, make 3D, opacity 50%, and add adjustment layer, then
effect-color correction-tint and curves. Tint to 23%, and mess
with curves till text pops more.